Whether it’s a stand at a major exhibition or a customer conference, events can be hugely rewarding. But event management can also be exhausting for you to juggle with your other tasks.
Enjoying a successful event takes up weeks filled with hard work, detailed research, a lot of sourcing – and the occasional unwelcome surprises too.
Which is why so many of our customers depend on us to help ensure their events are easy to set up and hassle-free to run.
You can choose to let us manage your entire event, design your stand, create new literature – or source high-quality promotional items. You’ll save valuable time through our experience in project managing exhibition projects, creative stand services and a network of supplying partners. And you can avoid being thrown off-track with unseen disruptions, thanks to our detailed approach to events which places you and your customers at the heart of it all.
From Stands To Giveaways, Get The Event Management Help You Need
Setting up and event can be very stressful. The clock is ticking to the day and you have a to-do list as long as your arm. From sorting out graphics or presentations and presenters to marketing your event to your customers, so much needs to be done. And all of it yesterday.
The beauty of having Greenwood Solutions assist with event management is how we take away your pain. In just the last few months businesses just like yours have used Greenwood for
Complete Event Project Management. From ensuring strategic objectives are met to the daily actioning of an agreed project plan, your entire event can be carefully managed by us. Taking the stress away and letting you get on with other tasks.
Stand Design. Created new stands for 2 clients based on their detailed briefs for exhibitions in London and Birmingham
Event Marketing. Created the editorial calendar, written the content, including website articles, social media and press releases, and published across channels
Creative Print. Designed brand new event literature, from handouts to promotional cards
Promotional Merchandise. Sourced replacement items when the original supplier let a customer down.
But much more, we have been a source of support and clarity for those customers. A sounding board for ideas as well as suggesting them too. And when we think a concept would benefit from some tweaks or improvements, you can be confident we will let you know rather than stand back and watch you risk your budget.
It all adds up to experienced support for your event, freeing your time for everything else that’s urgent. And you can be confident that you’ll be working with real experts who will hold your hand every step of the way.

The Complete Event Management Service
Events can be an excellent way to find new customers as well as improve revenues and loyalty from existing clients. But they can also be complex to manage and take up a huge amount of time. Just consider some of the many topics you need to address:
- Researching venues that fit your objectives, will attract your ideal customers
- Costing the event and ensuring you don’t fly over your limit
- Finding, negotiating and liaising with business partners to ensure their needs are met
- Selecting event staff and equipping them with the tools they need to be effective
- Creating the ideal marketing campaign that attracts visitors
- Selecting a stand designer who will create a presence that reflects your ojectives
- Finding a stand builder who will deliver the intended presence
- Selecting stand essentials, such as electrics, furniture, lighting, promotional merchandise, collateral, wi-fi, displays, and food & drink
And that is just scratching the surface. Which you need to address while handling everything else your day throws at you.
Greenwood Solutions helps you to enjoy an event which benefits your business. With your guidance and expertise your event management no longer involves the many hours of planning, stress it usually demands. So you see more visitors, find more leads and get results which actively grow your business.

Stand Design
Creating a stand at an event can be a fraught – and potentially expensive – process for many businesses. Ther are so many factors to consider; from adhering to brand guides and values, to deciding layouts, messages, and maximising floorspace. Bringing at times conflicting factors into a harmonious promotional space that attracts visitors can take time and resource – and not always successfully.
With Greenwood, you can benefit from over three decades’ experience in stand design to enjoy a stand presence that truly reflects your business. Our skilled creative design team, allied to our cross-discipline experience, ensures your stand will work hard to maxiise the investment you make at a show to find new leads to build your business – cost-efectively.
Event Marketing
The simple defining factor of success for an event is the amount of people you attract and the leads it generates. That’s why making sure you have a plan in place to promote the event is so crucial. Without it, not only might you miss out on valuable new business, but you could even lose your own customers too.
Greenwood’s expertise in creating event communications plans can make a major difference to your event. By leveraging the power of email, social media and classical marketing vehicles, you can enjoy a measurable increase in visitors to your exhibition stand or standalone event. Creating more sales leads and helping to grow your business.

Creative Print
When you have invested time and effort to to exhibit at a trade show, or invite guests to a conference, the last thing you need is for your printed collateral to become a disaster. Those invites, handouts, promotional literature – even name badges – need careful planning almost from the first day of your event plan. And it’s all so easy to get horribly wrong, putting vital new business at real risk.
Having professional collateral at your event remains a vital factor in attracting new customers. And that demands time, careful preparation, and understanding of the deadlines to guarantee the delivery of perfect print. Instead of leaving it to the last minute, you can rely on Greenwood’s expert creative design team to produce a fully co-ordinated suite of event materials which promote your business to delegates – and a print service which will deliver materials you will be proud to give to visitors.
Promotional Merchandise
Never underestimate the power of branded items at an event. Promotional merchandise can be more powerful than business cards. They don’t gather dust in someone’s pocket. They are viewed by multiple people long after your event is over. And they are far more effective in generating new sales leads.
Merchandise makes a lasting impression. But what sort of products would suit your event and attract people? That’s when you’ll be glad to use Greenwood Solutions’ event management services
Our independent advice ensures you get promotional merchandise that works for your event rather than shift’s unpopular stock held by a supplier. We look carefully at the entire event and the delegates before showing you the most suitable items that will work hard to attract attention to your business. And we make sure that you get the best value for money, keeping costs down to avoid your event budget sprialling out of control.